S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Unraveling the layers: Chronic pain in autoimmune myositis through the lens of pain sensitization and co -morbidities: A case report
Andrew Spencer MD, Crystal De Wit DO, Arshi Handa MD, Sahil Shah DO, Michael Erdman MD, Ennes Rahim DO and Joseph Mouhanna MD
Int. J. Neurol. Sci., 2024; 6(1): 59-60
2 |
Unmasking the hidden culprit: A case of multilevel vertebral compression fractures
Crystal De Wit MD, Andrew Spencer MD, Sahil Shah DO, Michael Erdman MD, Ennes Rahim DO and Joseph Mouhanna MD
Int. J. Neurol. Sci., 2024; 6(1): 61-62
3 |
The relationship between reactive depression and kidney failure patients
Nasr Mahmoud Asfour and Abdulrahman Masad Almutairi
Int. J. Neurol. Sci., 2024; 6(1): 63-73